Welcome to the second incarnation of my Otaku Wars! page.

Yes, we're getting this material up, slowly but surely. Obviously this page will be changed somewhat ^_^; Also, the only factions I have info on are the Reichanians minus Nightman and, ah, the OSDF. Also, note that if you've been here before, the format has changed! Yes, it occured to me that having all of my material on a big, 20k page might not be such a good idea ^_^; You may now move about freely to relaxedly small pages.

Note: Faction information is fervently hoped to be up to date and complete, but is not guaranteed to be so. However, this may be (upon completion) one of the most up-to-date faction/chara references on the Net. All views expressed on this page are the views of the Icefalcon. These views may or may not be held by other people. Most of them were inspired by other people's views and have been slightly modified. I will not be held responsible if any of this really ticks you off. After all, it's just silly fiction. But if it did, I'm sorry. Now please don't come hunt me down.

Ha ha ha! I see you edging out the door nervously, why don't you go this way?