Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

Lufia II Player's Guide

by the Icefalcon

Hello, and welcome to my Lufia II player's guide! ^_^; When this is finished (currently it covers ... the Cave to Sundletan ^^; But I'm working hard on it, and some parts I've finished and just need to put on the computer) this guide will be your best free source of how to do what in Lufia II.I've been trying to get around to this for a while, and taking notes in certain points of the game. Well, now you'll finally get the player's guide, complete with screen shots. And no, I won't give you a step-by-step for the World's Most Difficult Trick :P I've solved it twice, and it took me over an hour each time. You just have to be patient. ^^;

For the first dungeon, you'll get a complete walk-through, however, I can't do that for every dungeon since they get BIG ^^; I'll just give you the solutions to puzzles and things like that. If I'm missing anything (I doubt it), let me know.

When this guide is finished, you can expect a section on where to find ALL of the capsule monsters and what they do; information on all the enemies, including weaknesses, HP, items it leaves, etc.; solutions to the puzzles in Lufia II, and more information, whatever I can think of ^_^; Also, all the important stuff will have screen shots, including characters and the capsule monsters.

  1. Lufia II starting options
  2. Lufia II glitches and errors
  3. Characters
  4. Finding Capsule Monsters
  5. Elcid and Cave to Sundletan

Lufia II starting options

When you first get the game, it will have four empty save spots, and all you can do is "Start" a game. This will put you in Elcid at level 1 with Maxim. When you beat the game once, another option will appear - "Retry", which will do the same thing as "Start" except your levels will rise much faster. I have a "Start"ed save game and a "Retry"ed save game both at the same place - Strahda Island Tower 5 Floor near the end of the game - and one has people around level 50 and the other has people around level 80. You also get more gold. For now, the experience points per enemy in this guide only reflect "Start" game values.

Once you beat the game with a "Retry" game, a third option will open up - "Gift". This starts you in Gruberik at level 1 with no way of getting off the island. However, you can go into the Ancient Cave however many times you like - you also have access to everyone you can control in the game! I suggest going into the Cave with Maxim, Dekar, Tia, and Selan. The classic Final Fantasy "Fighter/Red Mage/2 other mages" team, only better ^_^; This works extremely well for me, I've found. But play around, since you can also use Guy, Artea, and Lexis.

Lufia II gltiches and errors

The most obvious glitch in Lufia II is in the options menu, under Config. If you switch Sound to Mono and back to Stereo, the sound options will disappear and be replaced by greyed out versions of the first two items in your inventory. Alas, this does not appear to have the wonderful effects of the famed Final Fantasy VI glitches, but a friend once said that one time he did this and Dekar went to level 99. ... I'm investigating this. ^^; There are also other mistakes throughout the game. For instance, when you're in Gratze Kingdom outside the courtyard, the game tells you you're in "3y Kingdom". Also, the Gratze Basement Key is labeled as "Key to the Grassei Kingdom basement." Another transliteration error is this: Artea calls Guy "Gai" not long after you meet him. Finally, this isn't an error, but is somewhat amusing: when you beat the final boss, he yells out, "You little hoochees!"

Finding Capsule Monsters

Progress - 85% - I have to remember where I got these buggers now ^^;