Links. You understand. No preamble needed. Still growing ... I do have a 422k bookmark file to sift through, you know. So here we go.

Links to people I know

Ferchan's Crappy Little Page
- I'm afraid I don't particularly like that Utena picture ^^; Anyway, go to read fanfics, #OW logs, etc.

The Malgorian Dimension

Other such webpages

Rather, "links to people I know of but don't actually know all that well who still have cool webpages." But that was a little long to put in a header. So. ^_^;

kero kero
Ursa's Random Page
- Fanart *_* There's not just fanart there, but I'm sure most of us go for the fanart, which is rather good ^_^;

Anime pages


Lyric Moon - the web's premier Sailormoon lyric collection, containing lyrics for more songs than you could shake a stick at ... or maybe even fit on a 1 gig hard drive in mp3 form o_o

Crown Game Center - fairly large collection of Japanese Sailormoon Super Famicom ROM images. Remember, it is illegal to keep a ROM For more than twenty-four hours unless you have the game. That aside, you'll find just about all the games here, maybe not Another Story though ...

Rini's Sailor
Moon Page
Rini's Sailor Moon Page
- downloads include the Sailor Moon CD player and solitaire game (but there's more ^^; ) ; there's also an animated GIF gallery, info/pictures of Sailor Moon merchandise and UFO catchers, and a guide to Juuban-chou in real life and the Sailor Moon manga and anime with pics of all the Inner Senshi seiyuu snuck in (this is pretty cool ^_^; ). A nice Sailor Moon page, with some good midis (^^;)


The Utena Encyclopedia - at, the Utena Encyclopedia features episode synopses, character info (for ... apparently ... all the characters, but again, I wouldn't know ... yet), lyrics to the OP, EDs, and duels, links ... One of, if not the, best Utena info sources on the net.

These Songs, Reflected in Revolution ... - a page on, this features selected mp3s from all five Utena soundtracks, including music from the live action musical. Very good.

::d e l i g h t!:: - Utena images, Utena mp3s, links to the Utena tarot card images, and general Utena delights ^_^;

Games pages

Xenogears Ground Zero
Xenogears: Ground Zero
- a rather good Xenogears info page. A lot of fairly decent information on various subjects, as well as pretty good multimedia stuff like Winamp skins and mp3 files. I'd recommend it (well, I'm putting it here ^^; ), but from my experience their server can be kind of slow so ... be warned if you want to get their Creid mp3's ^^;

Sephiroth no Oukoku - still there, though greatly reduced in size. What remains is mainly a lot of really wild Sephiroth stuff, like the interviews (^^;). There are also four other sites at, but I haven't had the chance to check them out yet.


Real J-Pop - RealAudio samples of ... er, quite a few j-pop artists ^_^;

Rini's Midi Room - a largish collection of Sailormoon midis of vocal songs, BGM, and special album songs. Favorites such as Moonlight Densetsu, Heart Moving, Tuxedo Mirage, and other great songs, with a few nice remixes too. Rather nice page, don't be fooled by the webmaster's modesty ^_^; In both English and SJIS-encoded Japanese. Rini's main page is linked to above.

The Final Fantasy Tactics Battle Music Project - as the name of the webpage suggests, this guy is trying to sequence all of the Final Fantasy Tactics battle music, as well as possible. He's not doing bad, either.

The RPG MIDI Jukebox - over 300 midis from several series. Might be slow loading the first time, if so just hit reload and it should work fine.

Satsuki's Sugoi Webpage - a nice selection of anime midis. Not bad, considering the page was put up less than three months ago. Pretty good selection, though. Even found the short version of Tamashii no Refrain ...
