Welcome to my collection of icons, now sorted by senshi ^_^; You'll notice a lot of these are Sailormoon ... ^_^; In fact, at the moment, all of them are Sailormoon ^^; As with everything, feel free to use these, as long as I get proper credit somewhere. This IS a free network after all. ^^; By the way, the icons will look good twice as big as they are now, too. If you want to display them on your webpage twice as large, see below.


Back to my anime page, eh?

By the way, if you want to display one of the icons at double size, add a WIDTH= and a HEIGHT= statement in the <IMG> tag on your webpage and add the appropriate values, doubling what you see here. Otherwise, just add the normal values and even if the picture isn't loaded, it'll take up the right amount of space on the page.